Sunday, February 19, 2012

ESL Clothing Unit for ELL Students

Once a teacher, always a teacher.  That statement pretty much describes me!  Although I'm working as a stay at home mom (writing books and blogging about family fun nights), part of me will always be a teacher at heart.  I get my "teacher fix" by working with my own kids and volunteering at school, but part of me still thinks about teaching the ELL students I so enjoyed.  I taught hundreds of refugee kids, mostly beginners in English, and I know that the curriculum to meet their needs is insufficient.

So I have a new project.  I'm pulling together resources and writing curriculum so that I will be ready with everything I need when I return to the classroom.  I thought I would share some of those resources here on this new blog!
My current project is a "clothing unit."  For today, I'm sharing my favorite children's book for teaching clothing vocabulary to new English speakers:
I love the simple text, the repetition, and the clear illustrations of The Jacket I Wear in the Snow.  It is my clear favorite for ESL beginners! 

Do you have any favorite resources for a clothing unit?  Share it in the comment box below (or on my Elementary ESL Facebook page)!

Thanks for stopping by!


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  1. glad we got to connect through pinterest! looking forward to sharing resources :) i'm currently going through the TESOL master's program at Cal State Fullerton :)

  2. Thanks, Chelsea! Pinterest is such a great way to share resourses.

    Best of luck with your master's program--it is such a great field to get into!
